Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Now, Zeina's Social Studies Spectacular!


A nice greeting, right? But this blog, well isn't the nicest. Obviously, like everyone else, we are doing a topic on the Civil Rights Movement. According to my topic, I'm doing the fight for equal education. What's "equal education"? Well we all hopefully know that back then, black people we're treated differently from whites. Why? Who knows!

We get that now, but back then, it's hard to believe how bad they treated them! You name it, probably the worst way to treat anybody, they topped that! Just on black people! Did they start a fire? Did they kill people? Were they thieves? Of course not. They judged them on their skin color. Not on personality, or something. Well, at least a bunch of brave people came about, and now we treat people equaly. 

       Let's go on to the subject:)

So Imagine your a Black kid. Well, your already a kid, so imagine your black, you lived back in the "old days", and you had to walk about 10 miles a day, just to go to your 1 room school-house. WHEN you finally are done with your 10 mile trip, you notice that the steps are crooked and damaged. It's hard to get up the steps because they're so wiggley and cracked, and when you make it up there, the door falls down before you get the chance to open it, and you realize there is a big hole in the roof. The roof of that tiny building-room that also has no windows, cracked and crushed  floors that you hear make uncomfortable sounds as you walk on them! 

There are at least about 100 black kids in your class, and guess how many teachers you have?  Only 1. Did I mention? The school is freezing! No heaters, no warm toasty fire place, nope, nothing! The kids had to physically go to the woods to collect some woods, chop it up, and throw it into the 

rusty-old stove. 

Luckily... Some brave, brave people fighted to stop that. Here's 2. 

  • Mary McLeod Bethune (:
  • Ruby Bridges (:

    I'm gonna be talking a little bit about each of them. 

Enough for you to know that, they defiantly played a good part in the fight for equal education! (:
Marry McLeod Bethune-

This Lady was very inspiring. She made more and more black schools, like in Florida, there were barely any, and she tried to make more. She defiantly changed the lives of a lot of African Americans. She took it soo far, she talked to Congress. She helped the lives of African Americans and helped them graduate through high school and college, and helped them have the right to vote! She was amazing, am I wrong? What a brave person. She was known for making black schools, and helping African American's lives in equal education.

That's Mary McLeod Bethune.

Ruby Bridges-

This lady had a very inspiring story.

Ruby was one of the first black kids ever to go to a all-white school(: She got in because she passed this tough test. Her dad didn't want her to be in an all white school, just because he didn't want her to be involved in the whole mixing white and blacks idea. While her mom on the other side wanted her to  go 100%. Why?

Her mom had a tough life learning and getting good education her whole life. All because she went to an all-black school. And remember how bad those are? They didn't teach half the education white schools had. All her mom wanted was her to get a good job and have a good life unlike her. At first, she had to sit in a different level, and a different room as the other white kids. But, soon enough, she graduated. She was S-M-A-R-T-. She had a great life, and later she got her own show due to her interesting yet inspiring life.

     We're Done! Right? .... Wrong!
..... Nope! We have 2 small questions to go over about the field trip that we went to on Monday.
We went the Atlanta History Center, and we learned about Black History Month! Let's go over them!

Of course.. Why else would I be talking about this? ANYWAY, These are the two questions:
Q: What Did You Learn On The Field-trip?

A: Well, I learned a bunch. First, we watched a skit on this little white girl back where they still had slaves, And then went to a large room to learn about the Northern And Sothern Parts Splitting Up.

Which I didn't know anything about that before. After that, we had a "war", between The Union Solders (North) and The Confederates(South). I defiantly learned a bunch about the split they had and the war, and how the soldiers lived their everyday life. It was really.. interesting!
Q: What Did You Like About The Museum?

A: Soo, About that white little girl, That was probably my favorite part of the whole field trip! It was a cool skit, It actually looked like it was happening back when there was actually slavery! Anyway, The skit is about that girl, she is the wife of a plantation owner. And if your wondering, a plantation is a place where slaves used to work...
She liked one of her slaves, and, she found some paper with writing from that slave, and it was a law if a slave knew how to write, they would suffer terrible consequences! The white girl didn't want that to happen to her, and it was a very interesting skit. I also liked when we got papers, that had a solider, and information on them, and we had morale points, and health points. We went through different things and courses that the actual soldiers in the Confederate And Union Armies went through everyday. We got points deducted, and points added, due to what just happened. It was actually very interesting....

EXCEPT....  for the fact that my soldier ended up dying by getting bi-headed by a cannon ball! What a lovely way of dying(:

Well. That was my blog! This was Zeina's Social Studies Spectacular..:D

Saturday, February 25, 2012


                                           hi pics
   Look up in the sky! Is it a bird? Is it a plane? NO! It's super m.... Oh, wait, that is a bird! You see them flying, you feed them bread, You might think they're cute, But.. The truth is, you most probably don't know anything about them. Right? Right(: Well, it's a good thing your here! Because in this blog post, we're gonna talk about BIRDS! 

Wednesday, February 8, 2012


Hey :D If you noticed, some of my other classmates posted this type of blog a long time ago... BUT, I have an explanation. It would not post! BUT, THIS TIME I WILL NOT FAIL TO COMPLETE AND PUBLISH THIS POST! Oh yeah, I forgot. (: We're gonna be talking about a really interesting topic! It's a group of animals called reptiles! :D Oh yeah, how rude of me! I'm keeping you waiting. Well let me just point out one of my favorite parts about this blog, is that dinosaurs used to be reptiles! RAWR :D 
      Haha :) Enough about dinosaurs for now.. 
       Let's see what were gonna learn today!...
  • What characteristics do all reptiles have in common? :)
  • How are reptiles different from amphibians? :)
  • Naming the different groups of reptiles! :)
  • Describing each group's characteristics. :)
  • Naming an example from each group! :) 
  • Weird Fact :)

                                                             FACTS :)

Well first let me say some things about reptiles. Well there are over 8,240 species of reptiles in the world! Wow there's a lot... They've been around for more than 300,000,000 years! Oh and are found in every place in the world, except Antarctica! Hmmmm.. They have scales that cover their body, and you usually find them chillin in the sun, why? Because they're cold-blooded, which we all know means they depend on their environment to regulate their body temperature. They usually eat insects, other reptiles, and small animals.


               THINGS THEY HAVE IN COMMON :)

Of course, reptiles are all different in some ways.. But at the same                        time have the same features! Just like humans. We're all different. But have   same features :) Aside from the fact that we aren't animals. But still. To make it easier to read and stuff, I'll bullet-inize it! 

  • Scaley skin of course! All reptiles' skin is covered with scaley skin, which are basically small plates that help provide protection!
  • They're all cold-blooded! Since they are, usually to get warm, they chill in the sun to be toasty, and when warm, they simply sit in the shade to cool off. 
  • They all have lungs! They need lungs to breath! Even if they live in the water.
  • All reptiles are tetrapods. Which means they are vertebrates with 4 legs, or leg-like ones. Amphibians, Reptiles, Dinodsaurs, Birds, Mammals, etc. are all tetrapods.
  • And last, but not least... They all reproduce the same way. Almost all reptiles lay eggs with hard shells.

             How are reptiles different from amphibians??

                           A lot of reasons! Here's some. Again, I'll bullet-enize it. 

                                             SIMILARITIES.... :)
  • Both of them are found on every continent except Antarctica. No one loves being freezed :)
  • They're Cold-bloodedness definitely! :)
  • They both prefer warmer regions, obviously! :)
  • They're also both vertebrates, and breathe air :)
  • Both reproduce by laying eggs :)
  • They both have scales, but they don't feel the same:)
  • Both shed skin :)


                                 DIFFERENCES.... :)

  • Their skin is different! For example, Reptiles have rough, dry scales all over their bodies, when Amphibians have soft, moist skin instead. :) 
  • All reptiles breathe through lunges! And we all know that when a little amphibian is born, it's born in the water. To live in the water, you have to have gills, exactly why humans don't. And through out time, amphibians grow lunges and then live on land! :)
  • Reptiles are generally bigger than amphibians. :)
  • Also, their eggs of course! Reptiles' eggs are thick, and hard, While amphibians are basically the opposite! Not having a hard- covering shell, and are laid in water. :)

           Now, here are the different groups of reptiles!

                 There are 4 different groups of reptiles! 

  • First is Crocodiles And Alligators(:


  • Turtles and Tortoises(:

  • Lizards(:

  • Snakes(:

Enough pictures, what are they? what's up with them? Well I'm about to explain, question no more (: 

I'll start with Crocodilians :D There are 23-26 species of crocodilians ALIVE:) They are a group big group of reptiles that include... crocodiles (:O) alligators, caimans, etc. All of the species of Crocodilians' bodies are very similar though! Long snouts, powerful jaws, muscular tails, protective scales, streamlined bodies.... Well, you get the big picture(: Crocodilians are carnivores. Do you know what those are? Didn't think so, carnivores are simply flesh-eating animals. So ANYWAY, back to the topic. 

                             That was the most un-viscous one i could find :P

So, what do they eat? They feed on such as birds, fish (as you see in that picture) , and mostly small animals. BUT, they also eat zebras! I KNOW! ZEBRAS! I love zebras <3 <3 So, yes, techincally they eat big animals too, but "big" such as CHEETAHS, well rewind... they eat crocodiles. GO CHEETAHS!


And that's right, I probably shouldn't of said that. Why? Because as you and a lot of other people think, crocodiles, snakes, lizards, sharks, you name it.. Well.. you... you think they pretty much suck. Why is that? NO, not because they eat us, (which is true) but mostly because, well, they're ugly. Which I'm not saying they should enter a pageant show either, but just saying.. that we should cut them some slack. (Including me.)


kk, let's move on. Next is my favorite! And probably a lot of other people's favorites.. Turtles :D 

                                                    oops. wrong one.

                                       Ahhh. there we go(: 

So yeah, were going to talk about turtles and tortoises. 

So yeah, obviously, they're BOTH reptiles, And there are over 40 species of these type of reptiles!And they're actually different animals, if you were thinking "tortoises" was a weird way of saying "turtles". But not, I'm sure you didn't. So turtles and tortoises really look like each other. They have some tiny differences. But one main reason they look alike is because they both have shells! Some turtles live in sea, and some live in fresh water. And the turtle that DOESN'T live in water, is a .. tortoise (: 

            Remember, the turtles live in water, tortoises on land:D

Turtles and tortoises are the only reptiles that have shells. Can they remove their shells like taking a cap off a pen? No. they can't. Why? They're backbone, breastbone, and ribs are attached to it.. So no way of taking it out like that. BUT, what they do do with their shells, (hehe, do do:D) is they hide in them for protection. They pull their legs, arms, head, neck into it whenever they want to. Cool, right? It's like a shield. Most turtles and torsoises eat meat and plants. Mostly they eat plants, but some eat small animals. What I think is adorable, is turtles and tortoises eating strawberries! It's so adorable! Let's move on though. 

                                         OMG! How is that NOT amazingly adorable?!

Next group is Lizards! Yay! Lizards are... also interesting, I guess:D


Wow, how colorful! Yeah, yeah, well let's get on to the facts (: But hey, that is a fact! Lizards come in different colors, sizes, and designs! They're found in different places in the world. There are over 5,000 species of lizards in the world, and lizards actually are more common then snakes, crocodiles, and turtles. Basically all lizards are harmless to humans. That's right, I said "basically". The only lizard that is harmful, is the komodo dragon, that happens to be the biggest species. Most lizards are kept as pets, Which isn't bad, but I wouldn't want an animal that is supposed to live in the wild in my house. 


One of the lizards attacking style is kinda... Weird/Cool I guess (: Ya see, when a lizard is being grabbed, it, well it kinda releases it's tail, like it's pants or something. But, don't worry. It won't be gone forever. It grows back, obviously. It doesn't bleed internally, it just simply un-attacthes. WHAT'S the point of this you ask? Well let's just say you we were playing tag. Just before you tagged me, My legs fell off. And I started crawling away. WELL, im pretty sure you would stand in shock then. Ya know, stating the fact that my legs were. ON THE FLOOR, spazzing. So that's there escape method! Cool, right? I wish humans could do that!......... Kind of. They eat insects, like bugs and spiders. Some species of lizards even eat other lizards. 

          And did I mention that lizards can be really BIG...  


                        And extremely tiny.....................



  • A Weird fact is, people use reptile skin WAY more than you think!
  • You name it! Bags, purses, ties, dresses, clothing, scarves, hats, belts, jewelry, etc. 
  • Which if you think about it, is terrible! Reptiles don't deserve to die just because designers think animal fur is "in". Who made this up? 
  • Actually, It's pretty gross. Sometimes when you see "furry outfits" in the mall, you never know... it might be reptiles' fur! 

Well, that's my blog. Sorry it's so late D: BUT I FINISHED IT! YAY! :D It was long, though. (: So I'm gonna end this blog with a weird smiley face, and a BYE! to go along with it:D Bye!