Friday, September 16, 2011

Jawless Fish! One word: Eww..


Hey people reading my blog! The title pretty much says it all:) I'm going to be talking about fishies! Not just any fish.... JAWLESS fish. Now, they're not the average fishies that I like.. But don't judge them on their looks! Let's start learning!! Yayyy :] I'm gonna talk about 2 types of jawless fish, they're names are Lamprey and Hagfish, Doesn't really sound that attracting, but don't worry... They don't look that attractive either! Here they are!

HAGFISH                                     LAMPREY

Aren't they pretty little fish? Haha. No, this isn't the average Nemo. They're those freaky werido fish that stand out from all the others. Yup, they defiantly stand out. Now, no more talking about they're popularity.. let's start the facts about them! (yay!)

                                             LETS GO! 

First is Hagfish, Which looks like a rotten old snake. Well there's a lot to know. but this is what I'll be talking about for each fish; 
  • Where they live?
  • How they eat & What they eat? 
  • What they look like?
  • How long they've been around? 
  • How they feel? 
  • Do they have scales? 
          AND MORE! You'll just have to read :I 

Well of course Hagfish live in the sea. And they've been around for atleast 500 million years!!  They're scale-less fish. But they aren't the only ones. There are a lot. Like Eels, swordfish, and catfish all don't have scales. These little snake-like creatures slither through the ocean looking for dead or dying fish to eat :[ Poor little fishies! 

Hagfish are known for producing.... SLIME. Not just a little. A BUNCH OF SLIME!It can produce enough slime to fill up a milk jug in a small amount of time. Some people even call it the "Slime eel". Even though its not an eel... But it does look like one! And it does produce a bunch of slime! Hence, Slime-Eel. I know you don't like seeing this.. But don't worry,I'm not crazy about it either! 

Sorry if I blinded you!                      Ewwwwwwwwww!                                 

Well they don't do this for fun! They do it for self-defense. I don't know about you... But I think this is pretty cool. Instead of hurting someone for self-defense... SLIME POWERS! ACTIVATE! Anyways, let me state some cool facts about them. Well they are pretty long as you saw in my pictures above, and they might be skinny and freaky looking.. But they have two brains, and 4 hearts. But they are nearly blind, having only little small holes for eyes, they aren't that bad of fish.

 It's scientific name is Myxine glutinosa. Again, I love scientific names! Ya know, hagfish can suffocate a predator really fast, because it is like a snake, it can wrap around something or someone and squeeze the living life out of it. Fun! Lampreys might be covered in goo and slime, but believe it or not... They actually CARE about staying a little clean, see when they're done using they're SLIME POWERS they can tie themselves into a knot! Not to show off, but to wipe off all the goo on it. 

But everyone thinks that they're the most nastiest and most disgusting creatures in the sea (I'm on them with that) But they're not all that bad. They're actually pretty cool! Now i hope you've learned ENOUGH about Hagfish. Because how can we forget about Lamprey? So let's move on! SLIME POWERS DE-ACTIVATE!

                    LAMPREY'S TIME TO SHINE!  

Here's the lamprey. This one creeps me out more then the other one! Well, it's pretty obvious this has a BUNCH of teeth, unlike the hagfish.. That doesn't have any teeth. This one and the hagfish are alike in many ways. But believe it or not... Also different! They both have eel like bodies. Again, they are those fish that stand out. Not like gold fish. All the rest of the fish have similar bodies.. Kind of oval, well not these! That's what make them unique, and exciting and fun to learn about it!

Wow! Look at those teeth :(                                         Isn't that the picture you think of when you think vampire?                     
    They kinda look like those monsters in you're closet or underneath your bed. These fish live in fresh water, and only fresh water. They live in warm places all around the world, except Africa. They don't have scales like the Hagfish. But again, the Hagfish and Lamprey are still different ways. The lamprey is about 6-40 inches long. They can see pretty well too, They have 1 tail fin, 1 nostril on the top of it's head (Eww), and seven gills. And of course lack jaws.
  Now, let's talk about they're Teeth.  They plus they have soo much! Ouch. Being Jawless, the way they eat is they suck into other fishies body. When they do, they suck the blood and flesh out of them!! Gosh! Twilight much? And unlike Hagfish, These eat fish that are alive.  They've also been around for a long time, but there isn't a true answer when you research it. It's really hard to count how many teeth they have, but they have at least 120 teeth! And how much do we have you ask? We have around 30. 30? Yes 30! It's a lot I guess, for humans. But lampreys aren't humans. They are eel- like fish! And we shouldn't blame them either. Because we fortunately have jaws, And they do. Well I think that's enough about Lamprey!

Now, before we go, Let's review some of the differences between them! 

  • Lamprey have a bunch of teeth, Do hagfish? Noo. 
  • Hagfish Produces yucky slime, And luckily Lamprey doesn't. 
  • Lamprey eat alive fish, While Hagfish eat dead or injured. 
  • They both use different ways for self- defense.
  •  The Hagfish's eyes are kind of beneath they're eyes, You can actually     notice Lamprey's eyes.
  • Lamprey swims fresh water, Hagfish can pretty much swim in anything.


  • Obviously they are BOTH jawless. 
  • They are both scaleless. 
  • They both have eel- like bodies.
  • They both stand out from other fish
  • They both have slithery slippery bodies.
  •  Because they are jawless, they both have to eat by sucking they're mouth on animals. 

Well that's about it! thanks for reading. Leave me comments to tell me what i did wrong or right! Rate me! 1-5 stars. Thanks again!! BYEE PEOPLE READING MY BLOG! 

                    see ya

                          BUH BYE!!!!!!!!!!!!!



  1. Good Job But remember about grammar

  2. Nice work,but do better on the next one though.

  3. Wow! That was really good flubbs! Keep up the good work! :D

  4. This is a really good blog Zeina, except for that nasty hanging fish thingy-mu-bob. Anyways this is really good!
